2016年5月9日,应甘肃省生物电化学与环境分析重点实验室,甘肃省电化学技术与纳米器件工程实验室邀请,佛罗里达国际大学(Florida International University)李晨钟(Chen-Zhong Li)教授来我校作学术交流,并作了题为《Bio-electronics For Theranostics》的学术报告。伟德bevictor中文版教师、研究生40余人参加了报告会。报告会由生物电化学与环境分析重点实验室主任卢小泉教授主持。
Prof. Chenzhong Li earned his M.Sc in electrochemistry and PhD in bioengineering from Kumamoto University (Japan) in 2000. Before joining FIU in 2006, he held a position as a Research Officer at the Nanobiotechnology lab in the Canada National Research Council. Currently he is the director of the Nanobioengineering/Bioelectronics Lab and a professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Florida International University. Dr Li’s research has focused primarily on the biomedical diagnostics, defense and environment related applications of bioelectronic sensing technology.
His research activities to date have resulted in 7 granted patents, more than 120 peer-reviewed journal papers with H-index 30 by 2015, 3 books and 7 book chapters, over 140 oral presentations including about 90 keynote/invited lectures and seminars worldwide. In addition to his publication activities, he is the guest editors of American Journal of Biomedical Science, and the Journal of Neuroscience and Neuroengineering. He is the associate editor of the journals of “Journal of Sensors”, “PloS ONE”, “Science Bulletin” and “Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology”. He also serves on several other journal editorial boards as well as being a reviewer and panelist for NIH, NSF, NSERC (Canada), NSFC (China), NES (UK) and Chinese 973 program. In recognition of his work, Dr. Li has received several awards and honors including the FIU faculty enhancement award (2008), 2011 the Kauffman Foundation Professor Award, 2014 FIU Outstanding Faculty Award in Research and 2014 Japanese JSPS visiting professor fellowship award, 2016 Minority-Serving Institution Faculty Award in Cancer Research, by American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), 2016 Pioneer in Technology Development Award by the Society of Braining Mapping &Therapeutics and Brain Mapping Foundations.
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