应伟德bevictor中文版和科技处邀请,美国康涅狄格大学孙陆逸博士于6月29日下午来我校行了学术交流,做了题为“Bio-inspired Highly Sensitive and Reversible Mechanochromisms Based on a Polymer Bilayer Structure”的学术报告, 伟德130多名师生一起聆听了这场精彩的报告。
孙陆逸(Luyi Sun)博士简介
Dr. Luyi Sun is an Associate Professor and Castleman Professor in Engineering Innovation in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Connecticut. Dr. Sun’s current research focuses on the design and synthesis of nano-structured multifunctional materials for various applications, with a focus on energy and environmental engineering. Dr. Sun has published more than one hundred (100) peer-reviewed journal articles. He is the inventor/co-inventor of thirty seven (37) International and US patents/patent applications. Many of his patents have been licensed or commercialized. The scientific results by Dr. Sun have been reported by major media including Chemical & Engineering News of the American Chemical Society, Plastics Engineering magazine of the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE), Gizmag, etc.
Dr. Sun is a Fellow of the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE). He currently serves as the Associate Editor of RSC Advances. Dr. Sun was the President of the Chinese American Society of Plastic Engineers (2013-2016) and the Chair of the Engineering Properties & Structure Division of the SPE (2015-2016). Dr. Sun served as the Vice President of the Chinese American Chemical Society-Southwest Chapter (2011-2013) and the Chair for the Composites Division of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE, 2012-2013). In the past few years, Dr. Sun has organized over 30 national/international conferences.
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