2019年12月4日上午,应伟德bevictor中文版、保水化学功能材料甘肃省国际科技合作基地、生态环境相关高分子材料教育部重点实验室、甘肃省生物电化学与环境分析重点实验室邀请,巴黎综合理工大学Corinne Gosmini教授来我校作报告,报告题目为《Cobalt: An Efficient Catalyst for Cross-Coupling Reactions》,伟德bevictor中文版教师、研究生100余人在新校区特教楼159多媒体学术报告厅参加了报告会。报告会由权正军教授主持。
报告中,Corinne Gosmini 教授展示了其课题组近年来在金属钴催化方面的研究进展以及所取得的成果。其课题组使用了廉价易得的钴催化剂,发展了一系列交叉偶联反应,并将其应用于药物的合成和开发中。报告结束后,Gosmini 教授与在场的师生们进行了学术讨论和交流,并且对在场的老师及学生提出的问题做出了详细的解答。
Corinne Gosmini教授简介:
Corinne Gosmini received her B.Sc. degree in Chemistry from the University of Pierre et Marie Curie of Paris in France in 1987. She then stayed in the same University to continue her M.S. studies with Dr. Gérard Cahiez. She obtained her Ph.D. from University Pierre et Marie Curie, working under the direction of Professor Jean Normant and the co-direction of Dr. Raymond Sauvetre. Shortly after, in 1993, she was hired as a researcher by the CNRS and joined its research center of Thiais. In 2005, she was promoted as a research Director. In 2007, she moved to École Polytechnique in Palaiseau (southern suburb of Paris). From 2013, she is heading the Laboratory of Molecular Chemistry.
The research in her group is focusing on the development of new chemical cross-coupling reactions and the preparation of organozinc species catalyzed by cobalt complexes in various conditions. Now she is specifically interested in developing new reactions using compounds other than organic halides. She has published more than 100 research papers, including 11 patents. She is a member of the doctoral school committee of Paris Saclay, and a Member and Treasurer of the French chemical society.
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