姓名:薛中华 职称职务: 教授/博导 学科专业: 分析化学
Email: xzh@nwnu.edu.cn;xzhlab@hotmail.com Tel:0931-7970520 (办)
2004年获bv伟德国际体育官网理学硕士学位,2010年获bv伟德国际体育官网理学博士学位。2004至2007年在bv伟德国际体育官网研究生学院学位办公室、管理部等部门从事高教管理工作,期间在教育部学位中心借调(为期1年),2008年起在伟德bevictor中文版从事教学、科研工作。现为伟德bevictor中文版/甘肃省生物电化学与环境分析重点实验室博士研究生导师,中国分析测试协会第七届青委会委员,甘肃省化学会第十八届理事会分析化学专业委员会主任,甘肃省化学会青年工作委员会委员,Chinese Chemical Letters第六届编委会委员。
主持完成国家自然科学基金项目3项、在研1项;获甘肃省自然科学奖一等奖1项、三等奖1项,甘肃省高校科技进步一、二、三等奖多项。主要从事电分析化学、光电即时检测、纳米酶可视化、试纸条快速检测等领域的研究工作, 先后在Coordination Chemistry Review, Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Communications, Nanoscale, Carbon, Sensors & Actuators B Chemical, Analytica Chimica Acta, Analyst, Talanta等分析化学相关期刊上发表研究论文80余篇。
1. 国家自然科学基金项目:基于简单信号读出的疾病诊断和应急响应即时检测分析,40.00万元(No. 22064014);2021.1.1-2024.12.31.
2. 国家自然科学基金项目:生命相关重要离子、生物分子的电化学分析及可视化传感新策略,40.00万元(No.21665023); 2017.1.1-2020.12.31.
3. 国家自然科学基金项目:氮杂化合物及生物活性分子界面电荷转移研究新方法,60.00万元(No.21265018);2013.1.1-2016.12.31.
4. 甘肃省科技计划(重点研发计划)项目:心肌梗死早期筛查和发病预警的纳米酶即时检测试剂盒/试纸条研发, 20.00万元(No. 21YF5FA071);2021.10.1-2023.9.30.
5. 甘肃省财政厅基本科研业务费项目:“软界面电荷转移及电催化研究”, 20.00万元.
6. 教育部博士点专项科研基金项目(新教师类):扫描电化学显微镜与薄层循环伏安法相辅结合研究生物活性分子界面电荷转移过程的新方法,4.00万元(20126203120003)
7. 兰州市科技计划项目:饮用水中重金属离子纳米酶快速检测试纸条的研发, 20.00万元(No. 2021-1-146);2021.10. -2023.10.
【教 学】
1. Mingming Wei, Honghong Rao, Zhengrong Niu, Xin Xue, Mingyue Luo, Xinyuan Zhang, Huiyi Huang, Zhonghua Xue, Xiaoquan Lu. Breaking the time and space limitation of point-of-care testing strategies: Photothermometric sensors based on different photothermal agents and materials. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2021,447,214149.
2. Hongqiang Wang, Honghong Rao , Minyue Luo , Xin Xue , Zhonghua Xue*, Xiaoquan Lu .Noble metal nanoparticles growth-based colorimetric strategies: From monocolorimetric to multicolorimetric sensors. Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 2019, 398, 113003.
3. Xin Xue, Mingyue Luo, Honghong Rao, Zhonghua Xue*, Baodui Wang, Xiuhui Liu, and Xiaoquan Lu. Enhanced Thermometric Sensor for Arsenate Analysis Based on Dual Temperature Readout Signaling Strategy. Analytical Chemistry. 2020, 92, 4672−4680.
4. Huiyi Huang, Honghong Rao, Xinyuan Zhang, Rongji Wang, Mingming Wei, Xin Xue, Mingyue Luo, Zhonghua Xue and Xiaoquan Lu. Integration of organic and inorganic photothermal probes for enhanced photothermometric sensing of silver ions. Chemical Communications, 2021, 57, 9252-9255.
5. Rongji Wang, Zhihua Wang, Honghong Rao, Xin Xue, Mingyue Luo, Zhonghua Xu and Xiaoquan Lu. A two fluorescent signal indicator-based ratio fluorometric alkaline phosphatase assay based on one signal precursor. Chemical Communications, 2021, 57, 4444-4447.
6. Pengli An, Honghong Rao, Min Gao, Xin Xue, Xiuhui Liu, Xiaoquan Lu and Zhonghua Xue. Simply translating mercury detection into a temperature measurement: using an aggregation-activated oxidase-like activity of gold nanoparticles. Chemical Communications, 2020,56, 9799-9802.
7. Mingyue Luo, Xin Xue, Honghong Rao, Hongqiang Wang, Xiuhui Liu, Xibin Zhou, Zhonghua Xue*, Xiaoquan Lu. Simply converting color signal readout into thermal signal readout for breaking the color resolution limitation of colorimetric sensor. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2020, 309, 127707.
8. Zhonghua Xue, Bo Yin, Hui Wang, Mengqian Li, Honghong Rao, Xiuhui Liu, Xinbin Zhou and Xiaoquan Lu.An organic indicator functionalized graphene oxide nanocomposite-based colorimetric assay for the detection of sarcosine.Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 5488-5496.
9. Pengli An, Xin Xue, Honghong Rao, Jingjing Wang, Min Gao, Hongqiang Wang, Mingyue Luo, Xiuhui Liu, Zhonghua Xue, Xiaoquan Lu. Gold nanozyme as an excellent co-catalyst for enhancing the performance of a colorimetric and photothermal bioassay. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2020, 1125, 114-127.
10. Xin Xue, Min Gao, Honghong Rao, Mingyue Lu, Hongqiang Wang, Pengli An, Tiantian Feng , Xiaoquan Lu, Zhonghua Xue*, Xiuhui Liu. Photothermal and colorimetric dual mode detection of nanomolar ferric ions in environmental sample based on in situ generation of prussian blue nanoparticles. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2020, 1105, 197-207
11. Hongqiang Wang, Honghong Rao, Xin Xue, Pengli An, Min Gao, Mingyue Luo, Xiuhui Liu, Zhonghua Xue*.Target-mediated surface chemistry of gold nanorods for breaking the low color resolution limitation of monocolorimetric sensor. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2020, 1097, 222-229.
12. Xinyuan Zhang, Honghong Rao, Huiyi Huang, Kehui Zhang, Mingming Wei, Mingyue Luo, Xin Xue, Zhonghua Xue, Xiaoquan Lu. A sensitive photothermometric biosensor based on redox
reaction-controlled nanoprobe conversion from Prussian blue to Prussian white. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2021, 413, 6627–6637.
13. Kehui Zhang, Xibin Zhou, Xin Xue, Mingyue Luo, Xiuhui Liu and Zhonghua Xue. Photothermometric analysis of bismuth ions using aggregation-induced nanozyme system with a target-triggered surface cleaning effect. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2021,413, 3655-3665.
14. Zhonghua Xue*, Hui Wang, Honghong Rao, Nan He, Xiaofen Wang, Xiuhui Liu, Xiaoquan Lu. Amperometric indicator displacement assay for biomarker monitoring: Indirectly sensing strategy for electrochemically inactive sarcosine. Talanta, 2017,167, 666–671.
15. Zhonghua Xue*, Xiaoxia Fu, Honghong Rao, Mohammed Hassan Ibrahim, Lulu Xiong, Xiuhui Liu, Xiaoquan Lu. A colorimetric indicator-displacement assay for cysteine sensing based on a molecule-exchange mechanism. Talanta, 2017,174, 667–672.
16. Zhonghua Xue*, Xiaoxia Fu, Honghong Rao, Xibin Zhou, Xiuhui Liu, Xiaoquan Lu. A new electron transfer mediator actuated non-enzymatic nitrite sensor based on the voltammetry synthetic composites of 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol nanostructures coated electrochemical reduced graphene oxide nanosheets. Electrochimica Acta, 2018,260, 623-629.
17. Kongxiang Wei, Honghong Rao, Xin Xue, Mingyue Luo, Zhonghua Xue. A facile photothermometric sensor of acid phosphatase based on CoOOH nanozymes-mediated 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine photothermal system. Microchemical Journal, 2021,170,106736.
18. Zhengrong Niu, Honghong Rao, Xin Xue, Mingyue Luo, Xiuhui Liu, Zhonghua Xue and Xiaoquan Lu. A Fenton-like reaction system with analyte-activated catfish effect as an enhanced colorimetric and photothermal dopamine bioassay. Analyst, 2021, 146 (5), 1689-1697.
19. Min Gao, Pengli An, Honghong Rao, Zhengrong Niu, Xin Xue, Mingyue Luo, Xiuhui Liu, Zhonghua Xue* and Xiaoquan Lu. Molecule-gated surface chemistry of Pt nanoparticles for constructing activity-controllable nanozymes and a three-in-one sensor. Analyst, 2020, 145, 1279-1287.
1.“纸眼金睛-重金属离子快速检测”, 第七届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛全国铜奖(2021年).
2.“纸眼金睛-重金属离子快速检测”, 第十一届全国大学生电子商务“创新,创意及创业”挑战赛全国三等奖(2021年).
3.“生物活性物质电化学传感和检测”, 甘肃省自然科学一等奖(2018年).
4.“可控纳米材料的光诱导电子界面电子转移研究”, 甘肃省自然科学三等奖(2015年).
5.“生物分析中的纳米电化学研究”, 甘肃省高校科技进步一等奖(2014年).
6.“新型纳米材料的合成应用及仿生膜上的电化学过程研究”, 甘肃省高校科技进步一等奖(2012年).
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